About Buddiup

Buddiup was founded Perth, Western Australia in July 2020. The concept was born out of eight years experience facilitating an Integrated Football Program. We saw the immense benefit that the program provided to participants through physical activity and social inclusion, however we also discovered that much more needed to be done to help adolescent males and young men with disability develop healthy lifestyle choices outside of just sport.

Fast forward to 2024, Buddiup now provides programs and services to over 100 athletes and participants in Perth and Geelong, helping young men on their journey to creating a healthier life.

Our Vision

Adolescent males and young men with disability having equitable opportunities to live a healthier life and create long term healthy lifestyle habits.

Our Mission

Providing meaningful opportunities for adolescent males and young men with disability to live a healthier life, through community, health, learning, and relationships.

Our Values

Lifting Up


We believe in creating individual capability. Our aim is to help our athletes and participants help themselves in developing a healthier life.

Leading Up


We lead by example. We role model positive lifestyle choices and behaviours, encouraging our athletes and participants to do the same.

Linking Up

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We place enormous value on social connection through the Buddiup community, encouraging development of organic relationships and friendships.